【シンポ】⻑井暁著『NHKは誰のものか』出版記念シンポジウム「ジャーナリズムが⽣き残るために〜当事者たちが問うメディアと安倍政治~」9月14日(土)午後2時から5時30分 中大法学部茗荷谷キャンパス JCJ共催

2 months 1 week ago
 (趣旨)2年前、凶弾に倒れた安倍晋三元⾸相は、メディア⽀配の欲望を隠そうとしない政治家だった。そのメディア操作は20年近く続き、現在の⽇本のジャーナリズムの腰抜け症状の主要な原因に挙げられている。 端緒は⼩泉政権の官房副⻑官時代の2001年に従軍慰安婦に関する⼥性国際戦犯法廷を取材したNHKの番組ETV2001「シリーズ 戦争をどう裁くか」について局幹部に「公平公正な番組に」と意⾒を述べ、忖度した幹部が慰安婦の証⾔など重要箇所を削除する改変を命じたこと。放送後、番組に協⼒し..

Digital License Plates and the Deal That Never Had a Chance

2 months 1 week ago

Location and surveillance technology permeates the driving experience. Setting aside external technology like license plate readers, there is some form of internet-connected service or surveillance capability built into or on many cars, from GPS tracking to oil-change notices. This is already a dangerous situation for many drivers and passengers, and a bill in California requiring GPS-tracking in digital license plates would put us further down this troubling path. 

In 2022, EFF fought along with other privacy groups, domestic violence organizations, and LGBTQ+ rights organizations to prevent the use of GPS-enabled technology in digital license plates. A.B. 984, authored by State Assemblymember Lori Wilson and sponsored by digital license plate company Reviver, originally would have allowed for GPS trackers to be placed in the digital license plates of personal vehicles. As we have said many times, location data is very sensitive information, because where we go can also reveal things we'd rather keep private even from others in our household. Ultimately, advocates struck a deal with the author to prohibit location tracking in passenger cars, and this troubling flaw was removed. Governor Newsom signed A.B. 984 into law. 

Now, not even two years later, the state's digital license plate vendor, Reviver, and Assemblymember Wilson have filed A.B. 3138, which directly undoes the deal from 2022 and explicitly calls for location tracking in digital license plates for passenger cars. 

To best protect consumers, EFF urges the legislature to not approve A.B. 3138. 

Consumers Could Face Serious Concerns If A.B. 3138 Becomes Law

In fact, our concerns about trackers in digital plates are stronger than ever. Recent developments have made location data even more ripe for misuse.

  • People traveling to California from a state that criminalizes abortions may be unaware that the rideshare car they are in is tracking their trip to a Planned Parenthood via its digital license plate. This trip may generate location data that can be used against them in a state where abortion is criminalized.
  • Unsupportive parents of queer youth could use GPS-loaded plates to monitor or track whether teens are going to local support centers or events.
  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could use GPS surveillance technology to locate immigrants, as it has done by exploiting ALPR location data exchange between local police departments and ICE to track immigrants’ movements.  The invasiveness of vehicle location technology is part of a large range of surveillance technology that is at the hands of ICE to fortify their ever-growing “virtual wall.” 
  • There are also serious implications in domestic violence situations, where GPS tracking has been investigated and found to be used as a tool of abuse and coercion by abusive partners. Most recently, two Kansas City families are jointly suing the company Spytec GPS after its technology was used in a double-murder suicide, in which a man used GPS trackers to find and kill his ex-girlfriend, her current boyfriend, and then himself. The families say the lawsuit is, in part, to raise awareness about the danger of making this technology and location information more easily available. There's no reason to make tracking any easier by embedding it in state-issued plates. 
We Urge the Legislature to Reject A.B. 3138  

Shortly after California approved Reviver to provide digital license plates to commercial vehicles under A.B. 984, the company experienced a security breach where it was possible for hackers to use GPS in real time to track vehicles with a Reviver digital license plate. Privacy issues aside,  this summer, the state of Michigan also terminated their two-year old contract with Reviver for the company’s failure to follow state law and its contractual obligations. This has forced 1,700 Michigan drivers to go back to a traditional metal license plate.

Reviver is the only company that currently has state authorization to sell digital plates in California, and is the primary advocate for allowing tracking in passenger vehicle plates. The company says its goal is to modernize personalization and safety with digital license plate technology for passenger vehicles. But they haven't proven themselves up to the responsibility of protecting this data. 

A.B. 3138 functionally gives drivers one choice for a digital license plate vendor, and that vendor failed once to competently secure the location data collected by its products. It has now failed to meet basic contractual obligations with a state agency. California lawmakers should think carefully about the clear dangers of vehicle location tracking, and whether we can trust this company to protect the sensitive location information for vulnerable populations, or for any Californian.  

Hayley Tsukayama

[B] 野添憲治の《秋田県における朝鮮人強制連行13》連行者最多の花岡鉱山  大館市花岡町

2 months 1 week ago

[B] 「歴史的な不正義・まだ残る植民地」【西サハラ最新情報】  平田伊都子

2 months 1 week ago
2024年8月13日、シオニストのバイデン米大統領は、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、イタリアのGセブン各首脳と<イスラエルを守る>電話会談を行いました。 が、G セブンの一員であることが大自慢の岸田日本首相は声をかけてもらえませんでした。 そして、翌日の8月14日、突然、岸田首相は9月の自民党総裁選挙不出馬を宣言しました。 同日の国連定例記者会見で、「岸田文雄内閣総理大臣の辞任決定について、事務総長のコメントは?」との質問に、「何のコメントもない」と、副報道官は答えました。

【おすすめ本】有田 芳生『誰も書かなかった統一教会』―「宗産複合体」の反社会性 教義、活動の全体像を完膚なく暴く=藤森研(JCJ代表委員)

2 months 1 week ago
 旧「統一教会」の全体像と本質を、長くウォッチしてきた筆者が新書にまとめた。 教義に始まり、国際勝共連合などの政治活動、霊感商法などの経済活動、北朝鮮人脈とカネ、さらには「非公然軍事部隊」の影まで、「宗産複合体」の全容を本書は手際よく描いた。 教祖・文鮮明の最終目標は「政治権力と相互補完関係を保ち(略)影響力を強め(略)『世界の王』となること」だったと筆者は言う。文は12年に死去、妻の韓鶴子がその座を継いでいる。 興味深いのは、日本の政界への接近の分析だ。岸信介元首相との反共..

Pakistan's digital panopticon

2 months 1 week ago
The Pakistan government is setting up an invasive surveillance regime that the highest courts in the country have already deemed unconstitutional.
Hija Kamran for GenderIT.org