[B] 永住許可の取消事由拡大 当事者の思いはいかに ガイドライン制定に向けて

1 month 3 weeks ago

EFF Is Ready for What's Next | EFFector 36.14

1 month 3 weeks ago

Don't be scared of your backlog of digital rights news, instead, check out EFF's EFFector newsletter! It's the one-stop-shop to keeping up with the latest in the fight for online freedoms. This time we cover our expectations and preparations for the next U.S. presidential administrationsurveillance towers at the U.S.-Mexico border, and EFF's new report on the use of AI in Latin America.

It can feel overwhelming to stay up to date, but we've got you covered with our EFFector newsletter! You can read the full issue here, or subscribe to get the next one in your inbox automatically! You can also listen to the audio version of the newsletter on the Internet Archive or by clicking the button below:



Since 1990 EFF has published EFFector to help keep readers on the bleeding edge of their digital rights. We know that the intersection of technology, civil liberties, human rights, and the law can be complicated, so EFFector is a great way to stay on top of things. The newsletter is chock full of links to updates, announcements, blog posts, and other stories to help keep readers—and listeners—up to date on the movement to protect online privacy and free expression. 

Thank you to the supporters around the world who make our work possible! If you're not a member yet, join EFF today to help us fight for a brighter digital future.

Christian Romero

Tell Congress To Stop These Last-Minute Bills That Help Patent Trolls

1 month 3 weeks ago

Update 11/21/2024: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 in favor of PREVAIL, and several senators expressed concerns about the bill. Thanks to EFF supporters who spoke out! We will continue to oppose this misguided bill. 

Update 11/14/2024: The PERA and PREVAIL patent bills were pulled at the last minute today, without getting a committee vote. Senators are right to have concerns with these deeply flawed bills. We hope to engage with the next Congress on real patent fixes—changes that will create a more fair system for small companies and everyday users of tech.  Thanks to all those who spoke out! If you haven't told Congress your opinion on these terrible patent bills, you can still do so using our action center linked below. Help us move the next Congress in a different direction. 

This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is set to use its limited time in the lame-duck session to vote on a bill that would make the patent system even worse

The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (S. 2140), or PERA, would undo vital limits on computer technology patents that the Supreme Court established in the  landmark 2014 Alice v. CLS Bank decision. Alice barred patent applicants from obtaining patents simply by adding generic computer language to abstract ideas. 

Take Action

Tell Congress: No New Bills For Patent Trolls

While Alice hasn’t fully fixed the problems of the patent system, or patent trolling, it has led to the rejection of hundreds of terrible software patents, including patents on crowdfunding, tracking packages, photo contests, watching online ads, computer bingo, upselling, and many others

PERA would not only revive these dangerous technology patents, but also expand patenting of human genes—a type of patent the Supreme Court essentially blocked in 2013

The Senate Judiciary is also scheduled to vote on the PREVAIL Act (S. 2220) that seeks to severely limit the public’s ability to challenge bad patents at the patent office. These challenges are among the most effective tools for eliminating patents that never should have been granted in the first place. 

Passing these bills would sell out the public interest to a narrow group of patent holders. EFF stands together with a broad coalition of patients rights groups, consumer rights organizations, think tanks, startups, and business organizations to oppose these harmful bills. 

This week, we need to show Congress that everyday users and creators won’t support laws that foster more patent abuse. Help us send a clear message to your representatives in Congress today. 

Take Action

Tell Congress to reject pera and prevail

The U.S. Senate must reject bills like these that would allow the worst patent scams to expand and thrive. 

Joe Mullin