U.S. Federal Employees: Plant Your Flag for Digital Freedoms Today!

3 months 2 weeks ago

Like clockwork, September is here—and so is the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) pledge period!  

The CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual charity campaign for U.S. federal employees and retirees. You can now make a pledge to support EFF’s lawyers, technologists, and activists in the fight for privacy and free speech online. Last year members of the CFC community raised nearly $34,000 to support digital civil liberties. 

Giving to EFF through the CFC is easy! Just head over to GiveCFC.org and use our ID 10437. Once there, click DONATE to give via payroll deduction, credit/debit, or an e-check. If you have a renewing pledge, you can increase your support as well! Scan the QR code below to easily make a pledge or go to GiveCFC.org

This year's campaign theme—GIVE HAPPY—shows that when U.S. federal employees and retirees give together, they make a meaningful difference to a countless number of individuals throughout the world. They ensure that organizations like EFF can continue working towards our goals even during challenging times. 

With support from those who pledged through the CFC last year, EFF has:

Federal employees and retirees have a tremendous impact on the shape of our democracy and the future of civil liberties and human rights online. Support EFF’s work by using our CFC ID 10437 when you make a pledge today!

Christian Romero

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3 months 2 weeks ago
情報通信審議会 情報通信技術分科会 IPネットワーク設備委員会非常時における事業者間ローミング等に関する検討作業班検討作業班端末等タスクグループ(第1回)開催案内

【おすすめ本】山内 貴範『ルポ 書店危機』―地方の小さな本屋の声集めた「なくても困らず」年配者からも=永江 朗(ライター)

3 months 2 weeks ago
 書店が激減するなか、書店員が書いた本や書店について書いた本の刊行が相次ぐ。本書の特徴は地方の小さな書店に焦点を当てたところ、そして現地の人びとの声を聞いたところにある。 小さな書店の悩みは販売低迷や顧客の減少などいろいろあるが、なかでも大きいのはベストセラーや話題の本など売れ筋の本が入荷しないことだという。都会の大型書店やネット書店には大量の在庫があるのに、なんとも不条理。著者の故郷、秋田県の書店は、顧客の注文に応えるためにネット書店で購入し、利益ゼロで渡すことも珍しくない..