[B] 仮放免の子供たちによる絵画作文展 今年のテーマは「私のふるさと」

3 months ago

Briefing: Negotiating States Must Address Human Rights Risks in the Proposed UN Surveillance Treaty

3 months ago

At a virtual briefing today, experts from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Access Now, Derechos Digitales, Human Rights Watch, and the International Fund for Public Interest Media outlined the human rights risks posed by the proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty. They explained that the draft convention, instead of addressing core cybercrimes, is an extensive surveillance treaty that imposes intrusive domestic spying measures with little to no safeguards protecting basic rights. UN Member States are scheduled to hold a final round of negotiations about the treaty's text starting July 29.

If left as is, the treaty risks becoming a powerful tool for countries with poor human rights records that can be used against journalists, dissenters, and every day people. Watch the briefing here:


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Karen Gullo

Journalists Sue Massachusetts TV Corporation Over Bogus YouTube Takedown Demands

3 months ago
Posting Video Clips of Government Meetings Is Fair Use That Doesn’t Violate the DMCA, EFF’s Clients Argue

BOSTON—A citizen journalists’ group represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a federal lawsuit today against a Massachusetts community-access television company for falsely convincing YouTube to take down video clips of city government meetings.

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for Massachusetts by Channel 781, an association of citizen journalists founded in 2021 to report on Waltham, MA, municipal affairs via its YouTube channel. The Waltham Community Access Corp.’s misrepresentation of copyright claims under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) led YouTube to temporarily deactivate Channel 781, making its work disappear from the internet last September just five days before an important municipal election, the suit says. 

“WCAC knew it had no right to stop people from using video recordings of public meetings, but asked YouTube to shut us down anyway,” Channel 781 cofounder Josh Kastorf said. “Democracy relies on an informed public, and there must be consequences for anyone who abuses the DMCA to silence journalists and cut off people’s access to government.” 

Channel 781 is a nonprofit, volunteer-run effort, and all of its content is available for free. Its posts include videos of its members reporting on news affecting the city, editorial statements, discussions in a talk-show format, and interviews. It also posts short video excerpts of meetings of the Waltham city council and other local government bodies. 

Waltham Community Access Corp. (WCAC) operates two cable television channels:  WCAC-TV is a Community Access station that provides programming geared towards the interests of local residents, businesses, and organizations, and MAC-TV is a Government Access station that provides coverage of municipal meetings, events, and special government-related programming. 

Some city meeting video clips that Channel 781 posted to YouTube were short excerpts from videos recorded by WCAC and first posted to WCAC’s website. Channel 781 posted them on YouTube to highlight newsworthy statements by city officials, to provoke discussion and debate, and to make the information more accessible to the public, including to people with disabilities. 

The DMCA notice and takedown process lets copyright holders ask websites to take down user-uploaded material that infringes their copyrights. Although Kastorf had explained to WCAC’s executive director that Channel 781’s use of the government meeting clips was a fair use under copyright law, WCAC sent three copyright infringement notices to YouTube referencing 15 specific Channel 781 videos, leading YouTube to deactivate the account and render all of its content inaccessible. YouTube didn’t restore access to the videos until two months later, after a lengthy intervention by EFF. 

The lawsuit—which seeks damages and injunctive relief—says WCAC knew, should have known, or failed to consider that the government meeting clips were a fair use of copyrighted material, and so it acted in bad faith when it sent the infringement notices to YouTube. 

“Nobody can use copyright to limit access to videos of public meetings, and those who make bogus claims in order to stifle critical reporting must be held accountable,” said EFF Intellectual Property Litigation Director Mitch Stoltz. “Phony copyright claims must never subvert the public’s right to know, and to report on, what government is doing.” 

For the complaint: https://www.eff.org/document/07-24-2024-channel-781-news-v-waltham-community-access-corporation-complaint

For more on the DMCA: https://www.eff.org/issues/dmca  

For EFF’s Takedown Hall of Shame: https://www.eff.org/takedowns

Contact:  MitchStoltzIP Litigation Directormitch@eff.org
Josh Richman

This is a WE thing

3 months ago
This episode's guests start by sharing stories from the in-person FTX in 2008, totally led by women and hosted in Cape Town, South Africa.
APC Women’s Rights Programme and Our Voices, Our Futures

The beginnings of the FTX

3 months ago
This episode answers the question "Why Feminist Tech eXchanges?" directly from the mouths of the digital care trainers who were part of the beginnings of the FTX, who share their personal…
APC Women’s Rights Programme and Our Voices, Our Futures

Dial-up to Beijing 1995: The women's communication tent

3 months ago
This podcast starts in the Huairou district in China, where the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) was part of a 40-woman team who set up, in 1995, a communication centre during the UN…
APC Women’s Rights Programme and Our Voices, Our Futures

【オピニオン】被爆79年 根本から問われる広島平和式典 入園規制 表現の自由を侵害 法的根拠なし 民主主義否定=難波健治

3 months ago
 被爆年の「原爆の日」を年後に控えた今年、広島市は2022年以来のロシアとベラルーシの8・6平和記念式典招待見送りを続ける一方、イスラエル招待は維持した。こうした市の姿勢に「どちらも軍事侵攻国。二重基準では」と疑問の声が渦巻く中、今年の式典では「平和記念式典のありようが根本から問われる」ことになる「平和記念公園の全面入園規制」が打ち出され、波紋が広がる。 規制エリア拡大 私たちが「入園規制」を知ったのは5月7日、市の報道資料公表を受けたメディアの一斉報道によってだった。 8・..